Can I burn in the Town limits?

The Town of Granite Falls has an ordinance (Ordinance 93.04) that prohibits open burning within the Town limits.

 What is open burning?

Open burning is burning anything in the open without a cover or shield. For example, grills that have covers and fire pits that are equipped with a screen cover to prevent embers from straying are allowed in the Town limits.

 Can the Fire Department check my child restraint in my car?

The Granite Falls Fire Department is a permanent car seat checking station. Please call 828.396.2379 to make an appointment to have your car seat checked. For more information, visit our car seat checking station page.

 How can I obtain a burning permit?

If you live outside of the Granite Falls Town limits the Granite Falls Fire Department can write you a burning permit or you may visit the North Carolina Forest Service page and click on burning permits.

 How can I request a fire report?

Granite Falls Fire Department can email a copy of a report or you can pick one up in person.

 Can the Fire Department inspect my business or home for fire code violations?

Granite Falls Fire Department does not conduct inspections. The Caldwell County Fire Marshal's Office is responsible for those type of inspections. Visit the Fire Marshal's website for more information.

 At what age can I become a volunteer firefighter?

Granite Falls Fire Department has a junior firefighter program called Explorers. You can be a member of our Explorers at 14 years of age, and at age 18 you can become a volunteer firefighter. Applications for the Explorers program can be picked up at the station or obtained on our Fire Volunteer page.

 What is the insurance rating for the Granite Falls Fire Department?

Granite Falls Fire Department holds a rating of four (4) from the North Carolina Department of Insurance.