Do I Need A Zoning Permit?

For information about requirements or applying for a zoning permit, see our Zoning Permits page.

 How is my property zoned?

Properties that lie within the Town Limits or within the ETJ (Extra Territorial Jurisdiction) of the Town of Granite Falls will have specific zoning districts that apply to their property and the properties around them. You can contact the Planning Department directly to find out the permitted uses, building setbacks and other standards specific to your property.

 What is the process for changing how my property is zoned?

A Rezoning Petition can be submitted to request a specific zoning change, for instance, rezoning from residential to commercial. The applicant would work with Town Staff to prepare the application and pay the application fee (see the current Fee Schedule). The Rezoning Petition will first be evaluated by the Planning Board, who will make a recommendation to the Town Council. The Town Council will review the Planning Board's recommendation at their next scheduled meeting and will call for a Public Hearing to be held at their next scheduled meeting after that. The Public Hearing is intended to gather public input and relevant information prior to the Town Council making a decision on the request.

 Is my property located in a Floodplain?

The Planning Department can assist with determining whether your property or structures are located within a Flood Hazard Area as designated by FEMA, and what the implications are for any development or construction plans. Regulatory information can be found in the Granite Falls Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance and current mapping is available through the NC Floodplain Mapping Program.

 What are the requirements for building a fence on my property?

The Town does not require any permits for construction of a fence, however the following advice always applies:
• Ensure that the fence will be located on your property, rather than attempting to “straddle the line”. Property lines are infinitely small and it can be incredibly difficult to place a fence directly against a property line without accidentally crossing it. Most property owners choose to leave a lawnmower width gap on the outside of the fence to simplify long term maintenance.
• Never place a fence within the street right-of-way or in any other manner that would interfere with visibility for drivers entering the roadway, either from a neighboring driveway or nearby street. Additionally, future maintenance of underground utilities or the street itself could necessitate the removal of the fence.
• Always call 811, the free underground utility locating service, before you dig. Their website is

 Does the Town enforce deed restrictions within my neighborhood?

Deed restrictions and restrictive covenants are privately developed and enforced, usually by a Homeowners Association (HOA). The Town is unable to enforce deed restrictions.